Media & Communication Ministry

Coming Together, Sharing Together, Working Together, Succeeding Together.

It is quite obvious that the modern media of mass communication – the press, cinema, ratio, television and the like – have an extraordinary bearing on the human spirit, since they open up new and highly effective avenues for communicating information, ideas and values. Today, the modern communication media, both print and electronic, educate the people, create public opinion and influence personal and collective life. It also functions as an essential support system of all services in the society. In the life and mission of the Church also, it is becoming an integral part of evangelization, pastoral service, education and social apostolate. It is, therefore, imperative that we also strongly establish our presence in the world of communications. Since relatively more members and institutions in our Congregation are engaged in educational apostolate, the communication media has a special role as an extension of our educational institutions. On account of such all-embracing importance of the media, we are committed to channel more of our resources and personnel to this mission in the future with better planning. Priority is also given to training more personnel to take up the new challenges in this field.

Recognizing the pioneering efforts of our first fathers in this field, we follow up and expand their initiatives attaching great importance to the media of mass communication that are potent means for the dissemination of the good news of salvation and also for the Christian transformation of the genuine values of the world. Our Congregation is actively involved in the apostolate of the print media through several journals and magazines and especially the daily newspaper, Deepika.